December 12, 2011

feeling jolly...

oh boy i've got joy! feeling the christmas spirit tonight...wrapping presents, listening to "a very she and him christmas", getting ready to make homemade fudge for the friends, getting cuddley with the hubby, putting ugly christmas sweaters on my pups, and one thing i love to do when the sun is almost down is...turning on the christmas lights! love the feeling that christmas lights bring to the tiniest apartment...warmth and cheer!

if you didn't already know...josh and I are huge coldplay fans. i freaked out last year when i found out they came up with a christmas song and's one of my favorites! my parents would share with us every year "nat king cole, the christmas song" and it's not christmas without hearing that song in the air. i want to bring that memory to my children one day and this coldplay song will do just the thing...

i love the holidays. i love the magical feeling. i love christmas.

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