April 05, 2011


today is my brother hunter's birthday, he's 16 and wants a phone so bad. but i don't think my parents are going to get him one haha so i made him an iphone cake instead.....
now it's a bit messy cause i was in a hurry but i know he'll love it!

if anyone would like me to make them a cake for a really really good price, contact me! i love making them and i'm learning as i go along.


Anonymous said...

Mallory you are AMAZING!!!!!!!! You should make your OWN cake store!:)


Cami said...

You are amazing! I seriously don't know how you do that. Good work Mally!

Joanna said...

I think I'd better stop following you...you are ridiculously talented and it's bad for my ego. ;)

Katie said...

Holy $#&%!!! hahaha that is way too good. I'm in awe.

Megan said...

hey mallory, great job! what would you think about making a rapunzel cake for my 4 year old's bday?

Megan Taylor

mnwphotography said...

Gosh thanks so much everyone! Really!
Megan I would love to do one for your sweet girl, email at mnwphoto@gmail.com and we'll talk:)

B said...

That's some detail Mal! Super cute! :-)

Shory said...

Oh my gosh, you are perfect, no joke. You are amazing at everything you do, I am so jealous! We have been looking for someone to do a cake for our son Logan, how much would you charge?

mnwphotography said...

Hey Rory, email me and we'll discuss:)