July 17, 2013


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today is the day we got married for all eternity...
this day is such a surreal & beautiful day that i will always cherish.
i can't believe it was him all along.
he makes my heart still pitter patter...especially when he looks at me.
best decision we both have ever made.

boyfriend & girlfriend for 3 1/2 years
husband & wife for 4 years
mummy & daddy...it's just begun

joshua babe,
you are my life. my number 1. my whole heart. my other side. my pure joy. my laughter. my humility. my generosity. my best friend. my vast view of this world. my sweet. my lover. my dreamer. my eternal sunshine. my hope. you are my everything. you are my incredible husband that i could not live with out. we are 1.

you are the keeper of my soul
holder of my heart
i am forever yours & you will be forever mine
my dear

the best gift that i can give you for our 4th year of blissful marriage is a sweet sweet baby...
& it's happening babe,
it's really happening!
you will be a daddy & we will become parents.

life can be so dark at times
but the light is so much stronger in the end
& i have you by my side
we can face anything together
you & i
we are fighters
& our love is powerful...

i love you so
one i love....

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